
Monday, 29 February 2016

The figure of the delegate field in football

The figure of the delegate field in football is one of the most used, because practically all football teams have a license of this kind.

The soccer rules federation, requires teams that play at home must have necessarily a delegate field, although this is not always respected when it is, it is not done in the right way, especially in amateur football.

With this pdf we will try to explain the true features that the delegate field should know and bear in mind during matches, because there are many delegate fields that does not use that license in the correct form, they usually use it as trainers.

Monday, 22 February 2016

Football assistant referee signals

Dear readers,

From our point of view, it is important that players and spectators know the meaning of the indications that the referee provides during the match. Therefore, we present a power point where we show different types of pictures about this theme. 

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Ignorance of the rules in football

Dear followers,

In this power point we will try to explain in a simple way some rules that all weekends generate confusion and problems in the football pitch. We think that the people should know this rules to improve the behavior.

Friday, 12 February 2016

The parents of one of the players of the team to escape to finally the match

There are a lot of news that we find about the violence in the sport and this news is one of them.

This situation took place in Salamanca (Spain) during a match of the the youngest category.

At the end of the play, the father of one of the players attacked the referee, as a response of the result of the play in which her son's team obtain a defeat.

We think that this situation is unfortunate and should not have taken place in this category, where the principal objective is enjoying sport among children. 

ElMundo. (1 January of 2016). Agresión a un árbitro y persecución policial en Salamanca. Recuperado de:

Thursday, 11 February 2016

How is the education in the sport of the competition?

Dear readers, 

Education in low categories is essential and primordial. That is why people should keep this in mind.

Nowadays violence is commonly seen in sport. People should be concerned about this problem, so we must try to solve it and specially if they are involved in football being a coach or even a referee or player. It would be interesting that you consult this presentation. 

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Male violence in football

The last match between the CD Barrio de la Cruz and Cijuela 2008 in the Andalucian Youth Third Division had a shameful end. 

The referee of the match, in this case a woman, was attacked by a fan and insulted by the president of the local computer. He claimed sexist comments like "The girls don´t empower to arbitrate madness".

The girl was taken to hospital as a result of the damage suffered and a subsequent anxiety attack that led her to the complicated situation at the time.

It is demeaning to know that assaults on referees are more and more frequent in the world of football, especially at lower levels. What's more embarrassing is the fact that women still are not respected in the sport world, having to endure sexist remarks when they carry on their work.

People must fight against this disrespectful situation and obtain justice for all of those who defile sport committing violence.

Football Espana staff (1 of February of 2016). Parent ‘assaults ref in youth game’. Soccer 360 Magazine.

Recuperate of:

None insults in the stands

The Catalan Football Federation surprised a few days ago with an unexpected and revolutionary measure which will be release on the 13th of February.

In the football matches that are played under the leadership of the Federation, the referees have the possibility of suspending the match, if insults are listened from the stands as well as sexist or racist comments.

The referees if they think it is necessary, they will be able to stop and even abandon the match if there written reasons above are given.

Besides this campaign requires players, coaches and referees to greet at the end of the game.

These rules will be in test mode until the end of the season when the assembly will meet to decide whether to make official.

The initiative of the Catalan Football Federation is a great first step to improve sport and behaviours that every weekend are observed in football fields. It is important that children and adolescents stop seeing this behaviour every time they go to play the sport they love.

Lainformació (2 february of 2016) The referee will have the power of cancel the match by insult from step. Recuperate of:

Friday, 5 February 2016

The beginning

This is a blog created by a group of students from the University of Alicante, where we are studying Sciences of Physical Activity and Sport which is also called CAFD degree. 
This blog has been created in order to provide the necessary information about football which is one of the most practised sports nowadays. We will try to help all the future football players providing them the correct understanding and updating of its rules by refuting false myths and explaining atypical situations in soccer fields, in which people are not usually aware of, even if they belong to any football team.

This is a fantastic and interesting blog also for all those young coaches, especially the ones who are in an amateur level that do not know properly football rules and history. That is why false myths are thought to be real, so we think that this blog is the perfect tool for trainers who want to transmit their players the appropriate knowledge.
Moreover, each week we will discuss about polemic plays in order to understand the role of the referee in a match.

Finally, we want that our followers form an active part in the blog, so we will have a section in which they will be able to have the opportunity of asking questions or possible related to football. It would be a pleasure to explain you whatever you need. The more you participate in the blog, the more we will be happy.

Best regards,

Football outside company.