
Wednesday, 30 March 2016


Dear followers,

Nowadays, a lot of people are talking about the famous spray that is being used by referees in order to mark the distances to stand in soccer ball. The contents of this boat, is a gaseous white liquid that disappears in a few seconds and can also delay about two minutes.

The referees use this spray to mark the area, where it should be located the ball and the distance in which the barrier of the players must be located.

This spray is called “9.15”, because it is the required distance that must exist between ball and barrier of the players. In addition, the spray helps many referees that the dead ball locations should not be repeated again. This usually happens when the pitcher is ahead the ball or because the barrier is ahead of the site.

From our point of view, we think that it has been a great initiative, because moreover helping the referee, the spray avoids discrepancy between players of different teams, as always there is given a reference. 


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